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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/foil_k on 2025-01-16 16:53:54+00:00.
To comply with Rule 6, re-posting from my (now sixteen-year-old) son’s perspective:
Back when I was three, I was waking up really early, which was keeping me from getting a good night’s sleep. I already knew my numbers, so one day, my Mom and Dad decided to put a digital clock in my room so I would know when I should go back to sleep and when it was okay to get up.
That night, the clock showed 8:22 as they were putting me to bed, and they explained the rules: “When you see the seven on the clock, it’s morning, and you can get up!”
I waited five minutes, walked out of my room, and announced, “I saw a seven! I get up now!”
They knew from the grin on my face that I knew exactly what I was doing. The only fallout was a laugh and a hug, before I went back to bed again.