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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/[deleted] on 2025-01-16 23:39:41+00:00.

I travel a lot for work, and my company agreement is that I get a set amount for food everyday.

I don’t have a knack for fancy foods, so I typically just get what I get and tip heavily to maximize the dollar amount. This was never a problem in the past until my company got acquired and the new company is aggressively cutting costs.

Someone from HR emailed me to tell me I was financially on the hook for tips. I couldn’t expense them anymore.

So now, I just buy the food I eat from the grocery store, eat cheaply, and spend the rest on donuts and coffee for all of my co-workers everywhere I travel. There is a set budget for food everyday. If you’re going to be a penny pinching POS, I will find ways to spend that money within our agreement to give to others. Next time I think I’ll feed the homeless.

Need I remind my company that I’m doing them a favor by traveling because they don’t want to pay full-timers in these areas? Don’t be cheap.