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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/avboden on 2025-01-18 23:53:11+00:00.
Some of you may remember this system I showed off back in 2014 that was actually the top link post on all of reddit for that one day (imgur messed everything up and the images for that post aren’t available anymore, oh well)
Anyways we’re finally replacing it. It’s still fully functional in all aspects. It’s so freaking cool I want to see it be put to some use, either to a tech museum or to a channel like LTT to make some content with. Shipping the CRT is super risky but no avoiding that. The control boards/computer are pretty easy though. edit: actually i’m within a 7 hour drive of LTT, heck it could driven to them pretty easily.
Any other thoughts on what I should do with this system once i’m done replacing it?
no, you can’t have it, chat.