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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/captainkrol on 2025-01-21 15:04:18+00:00.

Fellow shareholders,

Again a red day. Is this the fire sale 🔥 prior to the MOASS 💥 ? What will the BOJ decide and how will the Yen carry trade affect our stock? We’ll have to wait and see. Regardless, another opportunity to buy below $30 today.

Below a repost of Mojomaster5’s great work. With his permission, here is a link to today’s post:

Wrinkly Ape Mojomaster5 got suspended from reddit. He has been posting quality option chain analysis for months now. He’s also active on YT.

All credits to the wrinkly Dr. Michael T Lo Piano! 🙏🏼

“Just Up” DFV.

The reckoning is coming.