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The original was posted on /r/gamingleaksandrumours by /u/magicsgram on 2025-01-22 01:33:59+00:00.

The original article published by Korean news outlet MTN reported the cancellation of ‘Project H’, which was quoted by a ResetEra post, which was speculated to be Horizon MMO, and then has been corroborated through multiple LinkedIn profile updates.

An article on MTN:

A post on ResetEra:

When a user from Ruliweb (a Korean gaming community) contacted the reporter Seo JeongKeun’s email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to clarify if ‘Project H’ referred to the Horizon MMO, the reporter explicitly stated:

“The ‘H’ that I mentioned has nothing to do with Horizon.”(제가 언급했던 H는 호라이즌과 전혀 무관합니다 - in Korean)

A post on Ruliweb: ?

Therefore, while Project H has been reportedly cancelled, it is not related to the Horizon MMO project (at least according to him), whose status remains unknown.