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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/babeyoulooksoc00l on 2025-01-22 13:07:47+00:00.

I have suffered from Fibromyalgia since I was six. I work for a small independent publisher

(Linen Press) whose director suffered with ME/CFS for years following a viral illness.

Recently we received an amazing submission, The Sun-Room, from a young writer, Jess Watts, about her experience of Long Covid after she became ill in 2020 and had to leave university. I’m so used to other books which are all about misery, but Jess really conveys the anger and frustration, and the upset at being left behind in a world that doesn’t understand. She is still very unwell, but she has thrown what energy she has into this project, for herself, and for others like her who are confined to a room. It’s a short prose poem about 10,000 words.

Please do keep an eye out. It will be published in April this year. It would

mean the world to me if you would highlight this book. It’s so important that people start to

understand things from our side!