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The original was posted on /r/artsakh by /u/UkrainianHawk240 on 2022-12-26 19:30:54.
Just an idea that just came to mind, since the Lachin Corridor is under the control of the Russian peacekeepers (until the ‘environmentalists’ blockaded it), can Armenia, Russia and other CSTO countries and allies airlift supplies into blockaded Artsakh via Drones and transport aircraft? Is there an airport in Artsakh making this possible? I got the idea from the Berlin Airlift. If these idiots shoot down the transport aircraft then it makes it clear 100% undeniably that Azerbaijan is trying to starve Artsakh. Russia probably wont help since theyre too busy neglecting the CSTO and Armenia while waging genocide, but others might be willing too, even maybe volunteers creating a ‘Drone Airlift’ project.
If im wrong about this, it was just an idea, i really hope the blockade ends soon so that the people of Artsakh can get through this winter alive and well.