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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/only432 on 2025-01-23 01:01:48+00:00.
I live with my parents and I pay rent. I’m very sensitive to sounds and smells. My parents smoke cigarettes. They smoked in the house my whole life. It makes me sick. It took me years to convince them to smoke outside, but they finally do, even though It’s winter and freezing cold outside, they still do it for me. I hate having to be like a dictator in the house, where everything has to go my way…
My mom is a loud person in general. She talks loud, sings and whistles and yawns loud even when I’m right next to her and I just wish she wouldn’t because it is agitating to me. I wear heavy duty earmuffs around them but they don’t block out all sound. My dad is quiet, but he uses fabric softener and he smells SO STRONG and it makes me sick. Problem is, he loves the smell, and that’s the only reason he uses it. I try to avoid them as much as possible.
I want to ask them to change these things, but I just hate having to be so controlling about what they do. Idk if I should talk to them about it or not.