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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/Honky_On_A_Donkey on 2023-08-16 21:14:51.

Just curious if anyone happens to know if Obtainium either does automatically or if it is capable of automatically filtering search results to only show apps if they are installable on Android or do I just need to keep putting the word ‘Android’ in my search terms? Or if you have a better method of getting the same result I am looking for I’d appreciate the knowledge…

Currently just adding ‘Android’ to my search terms works decent but I’m what they call lazy and by God if I don’t need to hit 8 extra buttons every time I search, I’ll take it! Really don’t want to pull a thumb muscle again, Doc said I might never type again if it happens again…🤷🏻

Thanks y’all ✌🏻