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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/immortal192 on 2023-08-18 06:41:08.
On my Samsung phone, I use Samsung Good Luck + One Hand Operation+ apps to quickly perform actions, e.g:
- Swipe diagonally up from left edge of screen to drop down and expand notification
- Swipe right from left edge of screen to show menu of list of apps with an X on each to quickly close selected ones
- Same action as above but if held for a second or two, the current app is killed
As a bonus, such gestures can be customized to perform different depending on whether you swiped from upper half of screen to lower half, so you’re not really restricted by amount of gestures to perform different actions.
Are there good open-source alternatives for this? I’m actually surprised such is a feature is available from Samsung–usually phone manufacturers avoid more advanced usage and prefer dumbing down as much as possible for their users. It works as well as described.
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