Force a phone time-out! After multiple iterations, I settled on this minimalist, wall-mounted box to keep my phone out of my hands when I'm with family. Simple to print, simple to assemble, simple to mount. You can use it for other objects, but it's designed to hide a cell phone (or two!). The box mounts with one or two #6 - #8 screws. Simply insert the tilting part into the bottom, then screw the box to the wall, then push in the tabs. You're done! Interior dimensions of 28 x 85 x 170mm fits all iPhone models with reasonably sized cases. Printing is easy Use the included print profile, tested in generic PLA and (pictured) Bambu PETG-CF. I recommend printing the outer case flat on its back, and the inner box upright. You may want to use a brim on the taller piece if you have adhesion issues. Be sure to use supports for the lower sets of tabs on the inner box. And it fits (just barely!) in the A1 mini build volume! Boost MeEnjoy this model? Want more like it? Give me a boost!
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