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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/b1gbunny on 2025-01-24 05:19:31+00:00.

We’re monogamous. He’s been my caretaker and rock while dealing with becoming severe the last 2 years. We’ve been together since before I was ill. I am a fraction of who I used to be and who he fell in love with.

The sexts were graphic, detailed and there’s tons of them. Everyday for at least two months. Some while laying next to me in bed, when I was too severe to really notice. Some pictures too. Lots of suggestive implications that they were going to be physical at some point. I’ve reached out to the woman and she denies it ever was actually physically and that it likely never would be. He said the same thing. Hard to believe with how many times they told each other they “just wish I could touch you right now.”

I could vomit.

I have no one else. I have nothing else. I don’t know. I love him so much and I’ve never been so hurt - “hurt” doesn’t even describe it. I understand why he did it. But it can’t be undone. I have nowhere to go.

Any thoughts or insight or advice? I don’t know I just. No one else can understand. I am completely reliant on him in every way. I also love the fuck out of him. But now I know he’s capable of betraying me like this… we even spoke about his needs not being met and discussed multiple times we’d talk before it got to that point and he denied it every time.

I’m lost and broken and alone.