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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/TechnicianFlat2132 on 2025-01-24 14:27:02+00:00.

I talk to like one or two people and one I got really close to, they talk to me every day but I feel like I’m forcing stuff and I started seeing red flags ages ago when they started being rude for no reason then I bring it up and they act like nothing happend. They just said to me in text something like this in a sentence I forgot the rest but “When you talk on call you sound so tired and it ruins my vibe” I straight up said are you fking serious? “How many times do I say I’m so appreciative for you and so much other stuff” And I don’t get the same stuff or energy said back to me. Oh yeah and only when I said something he goes “sorry man I didn’t mean to say it like that” and there’s been many times I apologise for no reason and he never apologised for something he did. Even on my birthday they just said happy birthday bro when It was his birthday I sent like 3 sentences including how appreciative I am for him. I’m not taking this disrespect anymore even though I have no other friends, I would rather be by myself than be treated like that and I know I’m better than that and he doesn’t deserve me. So I deleted Snapchat and I’m gonna ghost him, I also said once do you really enjoy calling and playing games or are you just bored and he just he’s just bored so gets on like do people not have fking brains? It’s actually insane. But it’s okay because I’m not going to stoop down to his level, if I ever get better, I am going to become a fighter and follow my dream. I also don’t know who he thinks he is talking to me like that, this doesn’t matter at all I know but I know I would destroy him for talking to me like that but I’m just leaving it and not saying anything else. So yeah now I don’t really have no friends just talk to some people sometimes but yeah I rather be alone and I know he’s just insecure about himself because he weighs 25kg under me in muscle and jealous of me and you can tell. Sorry if this made no sense but people treat you different when you’re sick.