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The original was posted on /r/gamingleaksandrumours by /u/HomeMadeShock on 2025-01-25 21:32:01+00:00.

A review of an Insomnaic Leak, which leaked the PC port budgets and development timeline.

Originally, Sony was developing PC ports after console release, as shown by the budgets and development timeline. Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine PC development extends to a year after the console release. This also shows the 1 year delayed port time we saw for Spiderman 2 and presumably the same for Wolverine.

However, Spiderman 3 was leaked to release 2028, and all the budget is allocated to FY27, a year before release.

This shows Sony is finishing the PC ports before console release, as opposed to PC development extending past the console release. This mean the PC ports will be ready day one of console release.

This does not necessarily mean day one PC ports, but an interesting development shift. As we know, PC port times have continually reduced this gen to the now 1 year delayed port time. This leak shows a change in development and could lead to less than a year or even day one PC ports in the future