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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/Sad_Half1221 on 2025-01-26 00:16:06+00:00.

My first Reddit account, my main, is for all my interests and hobbies.

My second is for some personal stuff I’m working through, not important what.

This is my third, my illness account. Because honestly, I didn’t want to think about it all the time.

But I find myself spending the most time here, connecting with you all. This sub, r/POTS, r/longcovid, and r/covidlonghaulers are all filled with the kindest, most supportive, most understanding people.

Y’all are amazing. You keep me moving forward when I can. You help keep me alive when I’m not moving at all. Connecting with you gives me one more reason to not just lay here and rot.

Thank you for everything you’ve given me. I hope I’ve given at least some of it back. I’m trying my best.

Keep on being marvelous human BEings (I stole this from one of you and wish I could remember who, would love to tag them.)