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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Redemptions on 2025-01-25 22:24:33+00:00.
It is not the job of a company that had vibrator races in their backyard and had a dancing/rapping stormtrooper, to educate anyone on the security, privacy, and financial risks of browser session/cookie hijacking.
Cookie stuffing to illegitimately earn affiliate money has been an issue since affiliate codes and cookies existed. It has been reported on at least as early as 2004.
It isn’t LMGs job to warn you that they were unintentionally advertising an affiliate hijacker. The fact that they cancelled the sponsorship and made a post is adequate.
Is it the job of a porn site tell you that “No, hot singles AREN’T actually 5 miles away.”?
Does the billboard that said “Visit Times Square” need to tell you that 3 Card Monte is a scam?
Does Shaquille O’Neal need to explain to you that the cartoon general in his car is in fact, not a real general and that he may not actually have the best rates?
We don’t expect celebrities to come out and make videos slamming companies they were spokespeople for when it turns out the product was garbage. We expect them to stop endorsing the product.
We shouldn’t expect the company who got tricked by an affiliate hijacking company to make a video about how they were fooled.