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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Agyaani_ on 2025-01-27 12:16:26+00:00.

A few months ago, my manager got obsessed with tracking our productivity to the decimal point. Every task had to be logged, measured, and analyzed. No exceptions. If it wasn’t on the spreadsheet, it didn’t count.

So, one day, during our weekly team meeting, he casually said, “I don’t care how long it takes, just make sure everything is logged perfectly.”

Cue malicious compliance.

I started logging everything.

  • “Reading the boss’s email” (3 minutes, 42 seconds).
  • “Deciphering vague instructions” (5 minutes).
  • “Refilling water bottle to avoid screaming” (2 minutes, 10 seconds).
  • “Thinking about whether this is real life or a sitcom” (7 minutes).
  • “Contemplating the meaning of corporate jargon” (4 minutes, 30 seconds).
  • “Strategic sighing to release frustration” (9 seconds).

Soon enough, my task tracker looked like a surreal diary of corporate life. I even color-coded it for extra precision.

When he finally looked at my logs, he freaked out: “Why are you wasting time tracking all of this?!” I reminded him, “You said EVERYTHING needed to be logged.”

Surprisingly, we had a new policy by the end of the week: log only what’s necessary. 😎