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The original was posted on /r/edmonton by /u/M-Ainsel on 2025-01-29 17:03:27+00:00.

Forget the ‘lefty environmental’ arguments for two seconds. Let’s talk money. These mining projects (which are a finite economic resource) will only really benefit Australian billion-dollar companies while destroying the businesses of Albertan farm and ranch lands that are down river (which can be an infinite economic resource when stewarded properly). Mining will also damage tourism in/around Crescent Falls, Goldeye Lake, and Fish Lake near Nordegg, AB.

Now for some ‘lefty’ health and environment arguments. These mining projects will 100% cause irreparable damage, by exposing hundreds of thousands of hectares of land within the Alberta Rockies to cancer causing Selenium contamination (*which has not and cannot be remediated). This includes exposure to pristine and critical headwaters that are the source of public drinking water to major Albertan cities and towns.

So, Albertans say goodbye to safe and accessible water and food. Say goodbye to health protections. Say goodbye to beautiful and important ecosystems. Say goodbye to land for grizzly bears, bull trout, and westslope cutthroat trout. Say goodbye to outdoor recreational activities. Say goodbye to this Alberta’s future.

Or……you can fight back.

Please sign and share this petition:

Learn even more here:

Contact you MLA and tell them you oppose this:

Donate to causes and parties you believe in. Show up to protests. Vote with your dollar and your ballot.