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The original was posted on /r/linux_gaming by /u/the_korben on 2025-01-29 20:19:41+00:00.
Hey, GOG did it and finally got the PC versions of these old classics running on modern machines. As a big fan of the first game from back in the day, I bought the bundle, installed it via Heroic Launcher and it seems Dino Crisis 1 runs great on Linux as long as you set
Running it first with an older Wine-GE version, I could not get the cutscenes to render, but everything else worked perfectly. Switching to Proton-GE 9-23 also made the cutscenes work. I’ve played for about 30 minutes without encountering anything out of the ordinary (except for some gnarly dinosaurs of course).
From people on other subs, it seems Dino Crisis 2 is running without any issues straightaway.