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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/DriveByBabyFart42069 on 2023-08-21 22:41:35.

My husband(28m), to me(27f), is perfect. He’s loving and supportive, he has a fantastic personality, among many other fantastic qualities. Not to mention, he has been a super dad ever since our daughter was born. I am so thankful for him and love him completely.

Last week, we had a Disney movie night. He and I were cuddled on the couch and our daughter was in her walker in front of us. My husband got up to refill my water, and as he was walking towards the kitchen, he lifted his leg up next to our baby, said “drive-by.” and farted in her direction.I died laughing, which got my husband to laugh, and in turn, our daughter started laughing, which made it even funnier. Unfortunately, I think the positive reinforcement of this opened a Pandora’s box of baby-targetted-drive-by-farts.

Every day since, he has farted on her. He’ll walk wherever she is, lift up his leg, say “drive by”, and fart. Some instances when he has decided to bomb the baby: While she was getting ready to nap. While she was playing with her toys. When we were reading a children’s book. Even during bath time. What was initially funny started to get old pretty quickly.

The final straw was a few nights ago. He had made a nice dinner for us and a new meal for the baby to try. We had her in her high chair near the dining table. We are in the process of introducing her to new foods and that night was bananas.The amount of time it took for my husband and I to finish eating was the same amount of time for our daughter to decide she was ready to try the new food. While I was coaxing her into taking a bite, my husband offered to take our dishes to the sink, but he also had a grin on his face. In my mind, I’m thinking, there’s no fucking way. But lo and behold, he walks near our baby, lifts his leg, and rips out a loud, almost cartoonish sounding fart so loud it could’ve shattered a wine glass directly onto our baby. She began cackling until the smell hit her, she began gagging and spit up the banana onto herself.

My husband was cracking up, but stopped when he realized I wasn’t. He immediately tried to calm himself and apologize, but he said “C’mon, you gotta admit that was fucking hilarious!”. I was wiping the spit up banana off our our daughter and snapped a little and said “She’s probably going to hate bananas forever because of this. What were you thinking?”

He stopped laughing and got quiet for a moment before kneeling down and helping me clean her up. He apologized. I was annoyed but didn’t think much of it until later when we were in bed and he asked me if I thought he was too immature. I told him it didn’t bother me, but that tonight just wasn’t as funny as he has hoped. He kept apologizing to me and said he’d be better.

I feel really bad. I apologized myself the next morning for getting frustrated with him, and he told me I didn’t have to, but I hate seeing the man I love beat himself up over something so silly. So AITA for how I reacted? I don’t think he is TA at all.