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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/OanSur on 2025-01-30 04:26:20+00:00.

Worst case scenario just happened. Its not a delay, its admitting that they pulled people away from PoE1 to focus on PoE2 and the release of anything PoE1 related is highly unlikely.

No legacy league, no events, no new league - cause that would draw manpower away from PoE2.

I am absolutely heartbroken and disapointed, like most of the community right now. Many point out this is Guild Wars 1 treatment and i agree. By the time they announce anything PoE1 related the community will move on to the point of low sales and no reason of continuing with PoE1 at all.

I think i need to lay down… I was so used to dopamine rush every 3-4 months due to league announcements and launches that it kinda killed my enjoyment with other games.

Expecting a YT video “Death of a game: PoE” any day now.