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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/creomaga on 2025-01-30 03:56:52+00:00.

In high school we had student teachers shadowing the English department. They acted as assistants to the teacher while getting whatever experience they needed for their degrees.

My English teacher liked to assign topics she thought would interest us as a way to focus more on the writing than the topic. She rarely commented on the subject matter but would tear the essay itself to pieces and give specific detailed feedback to build the writing skill. Some of us went all out on these assignments. Most of the class gave a collective eye roll and handed in something that met the word count.

Then there was Roy.

Roy did not like homework. At all. In any class. He felt it was a personal insult that he had to be at school anyway, and the idea of taking schoolwork home was downright offensive. This was compounded by his firm conviction that English was an unnecessary subject. He skated by in most of his other classes because making him do the work wasn’t worth the hassle.

Once it became clear that Roy wasn’t going to do anything in this class either, English teacher takes it as a teaching opportunity for the student teacher and the three of them sit down together. An agreement is made that student teacher and Roy will work on his homework during detention time, as an alternative to actual detention for not handing homework in. Student teacher does most of the assignments, Roy hands them in. Praise all around. This goes on for several months.

Student teacher eventually realises she is getting duped, and starts insisting Roy do his own work. Big assignment that is to be presented to all three year level English classes is handed out, right before a break so we’ve got plenty of time to work on it.

Break ends, first week back we are given the schedule of when we’re presenting to the classes. Roy is scheduled for the end of the week. Student teacher offers to help him finetune his presentation skills, and finds out (to noones surprise but hers) that he has done absolutely nothing. She flips her lid and tells him he has to do something, it’s worth a huge percentage of the end grade. Roy tells her to write it herself and goes off to smoke at the bike sheds.

So she does.

At the end of the week Roy takes his place to present “his” assignment, cocky in the belief that he’ll ace it because all the other work “he” did got excellent marks. His topic was superhero fiction and the presentation was being marked on a number of things including visual aids, presentation skills and vocabulary. He starts off strong and is using a LOT of big words and complicated language (student teacher had even spelled things out phonetically in the notes for him). English teacher’s eyes are getting wider and wider, and then we get to the visual aids.

The superheroes in question were the Powerpuff Girls. We got a detailed version of the origin story and details about various powers and abilities, and a great deal of speculation on what their activities would be once they had grown up. This included multiple visual aids which were not quite homemade porn, but not your wholesome superhero drawings either. I should note here that this was late 90s so the images were not sourced with a quick google the way they are now - so student teacher went to some effort for this.

We were all very impressed at his level of interest in these particular heroes, and made sure to tell him so regularly for the rest of high school.

And no, he didn’t pass English.

TL/DR: High school student refuses to complete assigned homework, when confronted tells the student teacher to write it for him. She does and he presents something that would now be considered raunchy fanfic to a large group of his peers.