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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/Choice_Evidence1983 on 2025-01-31 05:00:08+00:00.
I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/FamilyDramaCenter
Originally posted to r/TwoHotTakes
AITAH for asking my Sister for a proper apology after ruining my Honeymoon?
Thanks to u/queenlegolas & u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU
Editor’s note: added paragraph breaks for ease of readability
Trigger Warnings: emotional abuse and manipulation, bullying, homophobia, invasion of privacy
Original post: December 11, 2024
Hi. Sorry if this is too long. My life is spiraling. And as a long time viewer I would really like all of your takes. Throw-away account as my family uses media. Fake names used. If you don’t like long reads sorry. I shorted this from 7000 words… I did my best.
So, my full Family involved. I (37) Male, Husband (36) Male, Sister “Amber” (45) Female, Her Partner “Tim” (47) Male, Brother (42) Male, Mom (66) Female, “Kassy” (Special Needs) (67) female (Semi-Verbal).
Import information: My Mom, Sister and I are in the care field. My Mom is a Retired Care-worker for over 25 years, My sister 2 years in care field and I 11 years in care field. At any time. Kassy has to be with Either, my Mom, Sister or I. As she is not independent.
This was my Mom, Sister and Kassy’s Third Cruise. This was everyone else 1st ever cruise.
My Husband and I were married this year 2024 on our 11th year. My Mom has been talking for years about having her immediate family on one BIG Family Cruise on her retirement year. This year she retired. She informed my Husband and I that she would pay for our portion as well as a balcony suit as a honeymoon present. She told us that though this is a Family Cruise, we are to treat it like a Honeymoon and relax, enjoy and not to stress. Also to have lots of time to ourselves.
We were both worried as it was a lot of money. Plus mixing a Honeymoon with a Family Cruise seemed daunting. We weren’t sure how to juggle everything. But my Mom told us not to worry. We convinced her to allow us to pay for any extra expenses, like drinks, items bought on and off cruise. She agreed. We both thanked her profusely and showed how grateful we were throughout the trip.
Unfortunately, our Honeymoon/Family Cruise ended up being an emotional disaster. Though my Husband and I had times we were happy and did our best to overcome the overwhelming stress. There was a lot of bullying and temper tantrums from my sister that were unnecessary and uncalled for directed towards me mostly and sometimes at everyone else.
Though my sister has always been high-strung and over-opinionated about most situations. She has also been one of my husband and my biggest supporters. Which we value highly. Just by being gay my husband lost his entire family for his “choice”. So, any love and support is something we value highly. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. We love my Sister. But her treatment towards us was not ok.
Before the cruise. My siblings, Husband and Tim met up. The cruise topic came up and we all agreed that giving our Mom one day to herself to enjoy the cruise without having to take care of Kassy would be a nice thank you to her. My Mom was also paying for most of my sisters and Tims expenses and all brothers expenses as well. This was her choice.
We talked about how either Amber&Tim or Husband&Me would take Kassy for the first half of the day and then we would switch. Since both my Sister and I are in the care field it only made sense to not have us together. It was a discussion. Not a set in stone plan.
However, on the cruise it quickly became clear that my brother and Tim got a free pass not to look after Kassy, and the one day of taking Kassy turned into four days of care. Lasting between 3 to 5 hours on our downtime each time.
This was never agreed upon. Never discussed, never brought up to me or my Husband. The three occasions that Kassy was put into my care were out of nowhere. Though I accepted all three times as to not cause a scene and of course I wanted my Mom to relax. All three times my Sister and Mom would go to the spa to spend time together. The fourth time my Husband and I looked after Kassy just us so my Mom could enjoy around 4 hours by herself alone because she needed a break. This time it was our choice as she looked so stressed. She enjoyed the solo time alone.
I love Kassy. She’s family. But she’s also work. She needs a lot of help to do most things. My Husband did his best to help out, but I was the primary care. I was happy Kassy was happy but the three times I was given the task was by Amber not my Mom. Each time My husband and I had to cancel our plans together. There were one time events and couple activities on the cruise we wanted to experience and weren’t given a choice.
It was “Our Turn” to take her. And We did.
No matter what I did. I always managed to do something wrong. No matter how hard I tried to follow Ambers instructions. I always missed something. She never stopped reminding me how lucky it was that Mom was spending so much money on my Husband and I. How grateful we should be. Each time we went to by a special drink she would remind us it cost extra money. Each time we discussed buying pictures or merchandise, she reminded us not to abuse our Moms kindness.
One day she would encourage talking to our Mom about purchasing something. The next day telling me I’m being selfish and not thinking about Mom. When all I did was re-tell what she said to me the previous day.
On many occasions during dinner in the crowded dining hall. She would either slow her speech to talk to me like a child. Or try and “teach” me how to do things properly so I don’t screw up next time.
There was even a time. She handed signature photo album book for our waitstaff to sign for Kassy. I was very overwhelmed and had an anxiety attack and kind of blanked. Amber was yelling instructions at me where she could have easily done what she wanted herself. Then after continued to berate me in front of over 40 people. I was utterly humiliated. She said she couldn’t fathom how I couldn’t understand the simplest of instructions.
I have never in all my life been so torn down by her. She treated me so poorly. I was up most nights sick. I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. I wanted to enjoy myself but felt like I was in a nightmare. My Husband was furious.
I asked my Mom if she knew what was going on. She said “Yes” but wouldn’t tell us. I said I’d go talk to Amber. My mom begged me not to. That Amber would come tell me what was going on, on her own. Well…. She never did. With each passing day, she got more and more unbearable to be around. She got meaner and meaner. Even publicly accusing me of forcing our Mom to do our laundry. When I was just asking how the machine worked.
Out of the 7 day Cruise. My husband and I only got 8 hours together alone to enjoy our Honeymoon.
Everything else was either spent with someone with the family, mostly catering to Kassy or Amber. Going on group excursions which most were fun. And wondering the ship with family again.
I love my family. But I will never ever travel with my Sister again. I’ve never ever treated her the way she treated me. I honestly felt like she hated me.
After the cruise I sent her a letter explaining how hurt I was. How I felt like her own personal goffer and punching bag. How I felt so disrespected and used.
She in tern wrote me a novel explaining her finances, my mother finances and listing the many reasons why she was acting the way she was acting to try and excuse her behaviour towards me.
She then wrote an “Apology” Or at least my Mom who read the letter said it was a good apology and to drop the situation and move on.
This is a copy paste from her “apology”
I’m not trying to pretend I’m some saint here. I should have realized how frustrated I was getting and asked you guys why you were making things so hard, and instead I assumed that you were being difficult for no reason and let my frustration build until my ‘fuse’ turned into a switch. I lost my cool a lot, and I know how I get when that happens. It’s not nice, at all, and I am genuinely sorry for that.
(Then Directly followed by this) In hindsight, I also should have been a lot more explicit that the whole spa thing was about Mom getting a break, not me wanting to monopolize her time, instead of assuming you would realize that on your own. And I could have made up a little calendar or something so we could all get on the same page about when it would happen, assuming you were willing, rather than hoping you’d be able to figure it out without me having to pester you every day. If nothing else, that would have given the two of you a chance to let me know that this never was a family cruise to you and that there was no way you were going to give up an hour of your honeymoon every day, even as a thank-you to Mom for paying for the whole thing. And then I could have figured out a plan B that wouldn’t have required a single thing from either of you.
Again I love my sister. I love my family. But the reactions have been terrible. My Mom has pretty much sided with my sister. Radio silent to my husband. They used to talk everyday. Saying I crushed Amber by calling her out. If it…
Content cut off. Read original on
Further proof that /BestOfRedditorUpdates is actually /LiterallyAnyRedditorUpdates. This story was a drag and difficult to read
Lol imagine if it was the original length? Might as well write a book.
How da f does someone owe tens of thousands in taxes? I know a grandfather did once but that’s cause he did scummy crap.
Again I love my sister. I love my family. But the reactions have been terrible. My Mom has pretty much sided with my sister. Radio silent to my husband. They used to talk everyday. Saying I crushed Amber by calling her out. If it was my intention to hurt Amber I succeeded. Even though she told me she agreed Amber was in the wrong. I should have just let it go. That she doesn’t want to “Die” Knowing I broke the family.
My brother wants nothing to do with it and has dropped communication except one conversation also taking her side. Saying her silence was better than me raising a stink. Saying he would hate to have his health fail and have him die knowing the family was in shambles. Her partner Tim, silence.
Amber completely silence after issuing me an ultimatum
Unless I can prove to her that I’m not a Selfish, Ungrateful, Gaslighting, Lier. Then she’s done with our relationship.
Preferred outcome: To have my family back.
Realistic outcome: Maybe I can get them to agree to family counselling to repair what little is left of our relationship. But in all honesty. It looks pretty grim.
I don’t want to sound dramatic. But My heart literally hurts every day. I wanted to give my Husband an actual family that would love him for him. I felt with all my heart it would be my family. But they all proved that’s not going to happen.
Dropping it and “forgiving” her mistreatment would only result in me resenting my family. I don’t want to lose them but feel so abused by them.
I’m lost. I don’t know what to do.
So, AITAH for asking my sister for a proper apology. Or is it even worth it at this point. I honestly would take any advice because both my Husband and I are at a total loss.
Thank you.
Additional Information from OOP to clarify the relationship with Kassy
OOP: So Kassy is not related to my family. She came into my Mothers care while I still lived with my parents 11 years ago. She was experiencing daily seizures at that time. So was only able to have her initially because both she and I were Caseworkers. I would look after Kassy at Night when she had night time seizures and Mom Kassy in the morning.
Amber has not lived with the family since she was 18. So she never had to deal with the level of Care Kassy needed to the amount we both have. She was a regular drop in and spend time with family member but always got to go back home.
Kassy has never been in Ambers care solo for any good length of time. Normally for little outings and such. If she visits my mom she will stay at the house with Kassy while my Mom runs errands or distract Kassy if my Mom is feeling overwhelmed. Now adays this is what the family will do as well while visiting Mom. But its not a Amber only thing. She’s not the only one who helps out with Kassy when around her. We all do our best to lighten the load for Mom. She’s getting older and has expressed how tired she is and that she doesn’t know how much longer she can care for Kassy.
Kassy can do no wrong is Ambers eyes. However Kassy is capable of being very self absorbed and unaware of those around her and how she’s making others feel. Its tricky as she won’t exactly understand if you tell her so you have to do the kind approach. But be damned you voice your concern or frustration in front of Amber.
As for long term it is as follows. Future - Mom passes or Mom incapable of taking care of Kassy. Kassy goes back into the system and lives with another family.
No matter what Amber says. She cannot take on Kassy. She is way to much work. Her partner wouldn’t be able to handle the stress as he suffers from an illness which zaps his energy daily. Kassy needs constant attention and observation. Though her seizures are now almost non-existent. She can fall easily and hurt herself.
My husband and I agreed that we won’t be taking Kassy. Its not fair for me to ask him to. I of course could become an in home care taker to Kassy. It would be Full time. But Husband is not a care worker. He loves Kassy as she’s family. But to ask him to co-take care of Kassy is a lot.
Brother looking after Kassy is a no.
If Kassy goes back into the system. Because we do not count as Immediate family. Even though she’s lived with my Mom for over a decade. Nobody would be permitted to visit her. Maybe my mom because she lived with her. But the likely hood of Kassy just being removed from our lives is likely. Broaching the topic with my Mom especially Amber tends to go poorly and is an avoided topic.
Relevant Comments
Commenter 1: Perhaps make a schedule of the times you were tasked with taking care of Kassy, both previously agreed on times and last minute demands. Maybe they don’t realize how much time you actually kept her and how little time you had for yourselves.
Perhaps write Amber a letter explaining your side or let her read this post. Also show your mother and whoever else is involved. In that letter, explain to your bossy, entitled and overbearing sister that you expect an apology for ruining your honeymoon. Maybe that will trigger her to explain her actions or at least understand your pov.
Good luck! UpdateMe
OOP: Actually I did write Amber a letter after the cruise explaining all this. The time I was with Kassy. How many times, how long. How I was made to feel. Unfortunately I was met with a massive letter excusing her from her actions due to her finances, our mom’s finances and her bewilderment of how I couldn’t grasp the littlest instructions. She flip flopped between saying she wasn’t aware it was a honeymoon for us to saying she knew about it. She definitely knew and she and my husband talked on the phone often about honeymoon cruise plans. But the moment we were on the cruise that went out the window.
As for showing any of them this post…. I honestly don’t think that would help. My Mom came to me with “info” from Amber about what I wrote to her. It was so misconstrued that I forwarded the email conversation to my Mom so she could read it herself. She said that Amber apologized and then I should accept that apology. But I posted Amber‘s apology on my description here and it isn’t an apology. So I’m confused why my mom is grasping for that to be the end of the matter.
Ohh and we were all using the WhatsApp app. So we could all follow who had Kassy and for how long. When it came to solo time with Kassy it was either me or my mom who had her the most. Almost the whole cruise was my husband, me, mom and Kassy. Which was fine to an extent cause they treated us well.
It was only Amber who showed any signs to having a problem with me or any other situation. Everyone else just wanted to relax and have a good time.
Commenter 2: I wonder if Amber is jealous and/or pissed that you got a balcony suite upgrade for the cruise? And pulled these stunts to “punish” you, even though it sounds like EVERYONE knew the upgrade was a honeymoon gift?
Your mom sounds like she’s simply trying to not rock the boat, but it’s disappointing to see her not standing up and laying down the facts: SHE paid for X, while YOU payed for Y and Z, so Amber wouldn’t have an excuse to be pissy about money (or at least, not a good excuse). Does your mom have a tendency to capitulate to Amber when she gets like she was/is? That would explain a loooot.
No matter how this turns out with your family, I wish you and your husband many happy years together
OOP:This is very possible. While on the cruise I didn’t think this was the case as my Family was aware that the room was a part of our Honeymoon gift. It was a two room purchase. Connecting rooms so that Me/Husband left room and Mom/Kassy right room could share the balcony.
---- After reading your comment I went back to my sisters letter and found this. (I switched the names to the ones I used here.)
If I’d known that you’d be so resentful about helping Mom with some of the Kassy-related emergencies that came up during the cruise, if I’d known you would consider the request to give up an hour a day (so that Mom could get a little break) to be abusive, if I’d known that you were viewing the trip not as the family vacation that Mom had planned and paid for but only as the honeymoon that your family kept imposing themselves on, then I would have insisted that Mom put Tim and me in the connecting room and get you a room somewhere else on the ship where you could pretend the rest of us didn’t exist until there was something fun you wanted to do with us. I wouldn’t have bothered getting an expensive spa pass for myself (money I only spent because it was supposed to help Mom) and would have asked Brother to drag Mom up there alone, and make sure she didn’t come out for at least an hour while I entertained Kassy.
---- Info about this. Our Mom had multiple occasions where Kassy was not with her. Three very long sessions with my sister in the spa on 3 separate days lasting 3 to 5 hours each. And 1 day alone without my sister lasting about 4 hours. It wasn’t every day like Amber would have liked but I think covering 4 days on 4 separate occasions pretty giving especially that I was Me and my Husbands Honeymoon which she was aware of before we went on the cruise.
Husband and I never viewed it as a solo Honeymoon. We and Family were good together. The only person who we had a problem with was Amber for having a problem with us. We avoided her nearing the end of the cruise because she was getting to be too much. Everyone else was fine.
Example of the emergencies. Bigger to Amber because of her few years of care. To me it was a issue that is commonly faced. Kassy is very OCD. Its part of her diagnosis. She will obsess about certain things and “MUST” have what she wants. Since she is semi-verbal its very hard for her to say what she wants. The more anxious or frustrated the less she can say what’s on her mind. These emergencies were as follows. - Wanting a regular sized Toothpaste, not a travel size. - Wanting to purchase a New Watch for her collection
- Breaking said watch and wanting it to be repaired (Took about a day. Kassy was a ball of nerves for an entire day) - After buying and fixing that new watch. She wanted a red watch she saw. (Kassy never got that watch. She has a budget)
One of Ambers “teaching” moments to me. Was explaining if I want Kassy to become more comfortable with me on the cruise. I need to Gift her things. Presents. The more I give her the more she will like me.
In care we call that bribery and it is a known method that normally results in very negative behaviour. So I refused. I disagree with the bribe method.
Also Kassy is very dependent on my Mom. Though they are near the same age. Kassy calls my Mom, Mommy. My Mom allows this as Kassy is mentally young. Kassy doesn’t have the best memory. So if your not around her daily she will grow more uncomfortable around you with time. It takes a lot of effort for her to be away from Mom and want to spend time with you.
Commenter 3: Do you think Amber and Tim could be having relationship problems? Maybe they thought to use the trip as a “reconnection vacation.” That sounds like something that would be stressful and cause somebody to be short tempered. It’s also something that someone might tell you to wait until the person was ready to talk about themselves…
Or maybe she has some major medical issues that is weighing really heavily on her right now. When my SM had cancer, she wouldn’t talk about whatever happened at her dr visits for several days, until she had time to process things in her own mind. She was also very tired and sick from the treatments. If Amber has something like that, maybe she wasn’t physically able to take care of Kassy at the level Kassy needs. The stress and lack of control over her own body may make her be overbearing on things she thinks she can control. It’s also the kind of thing your mom would say to let Amber tell it when she was ready.
I obviously have no idea. Just spitballing thoughts. I hope you can figure out what’s happening soon.
OOP: I did go right to those two assumptions actually. Either relationship issues or horrible illness. Both denied by my mom when I asked her.
I hardly ever saw Amber with Tim on the Cruise. Any time I bumped into Tim he was just wondering solo on the cruise. Amber was constantly in a state of stress, agitation or panic. Tim was just… natural and smiley? Though he would avoid being around me. Often making excuses to remove himself from my presence.
Thing is. It was never expected for Amber to look after Kassy. Amber chose to do that. Chose to push herself to help my Mom. Of course we all wanted Mom to have a break now and then. But the intensity of Amber on how everyone else needed to participate was unbearable. Also since it mainly was directed towards me. I never once saw Tim or Brother help out.
Editor’s note: CRA = Canada Revenue Agency
BIG UPDATE: January 23, 2025
Firstly. I’d like to thank all of the THT community for reaching out and giving me their honest opinions. It’s really helped me to look past my love for my family and accept the hard reality that I believe I was avoiding.
Now for the update: When I wrote my first post I was not in a place where I was able to remove myself fully from my Mom. Reason being is this.
Right off the Cruise. After I sent my sister Amber the letter explaining how she hurt me on my “Honeymoon” My mom was working on my Husband and I to let a family friend do our Taxes.
(This was when she was still talking to my Husband and telling us she agreed my sister was wrong in her actions)
We have been going to a company for years but she was extremely convincing. Saying her friend had 15 years accounting experience, her friend also said this. We accepted as she asked us to Trust her. And that Trust bit us in the ass HARD. This was back in August of 2024.
Next thing we know, the family friend screwed up on our taxes so bad we are now owing a large sum of money back to the government, double digits. We found this out unexpectedly in December 2024. And our world was immediately flipped upside down. But in a way I guess as bad as our financial situation is. It’s come with a lot of clarity.
(FYI – With my husbands adoptive Mom’s help/experience. We have managed to hopefully be ok… somewhat. We can fix it in a couple of years maybe 5 or 6. Which is something. Unfortunately, our great credit we have been working on for over 9 years has been destroyed. Which is devastating)
My mom refused to help in any way. Not even offering to help us find resources or solutions. Telling me that it was our fault for not doing our taxes in the first place. It was hard not to blame her for getting us to trust her friend. Be my Husband and I are adults, and we made the choice to put our trust in her.
We own that choice. Still sucks though.
Nobody sending happy birthdays on my birthday and or happy holidays for Christmas. Which was something never forgotten but this year was missed. Because of this on top of everything else. My husband and I decided to go no contact and did so with all family members, IE, Amber, Tim (Ambers Partner), Mom and Brother. As space we felt was for the best. We didn’t know how long but we knew for our health it was best.
Now comes January 2025 when things took an even more bizarre and brutal turn.
Suddenly on our social media accounts a poster left comments exposing our financial situation. It was so accurate that we knew who it came from as the only people who knew were my Husband and I, My Mom and her friend who did our taxes.
I sent screenshots to my Mom asking if she knew anything about it. She denied having any involvement.
We blocked the accounts and within an hour. Tim reached out through Facebook. (I forgot to block him) And he said that nobody knew he was sending me this message and he was checking up on me and that he and the family didn’t know how to act on how my husband, and I were acting.
Right away we looked at the posts, the account that we blocked and put two and two together. The account that posted the private financial information was Tim.
I again reached out to my mom but this time by phone. Said for her to tell me the truth about the post. She began to cry and said that she told Amber all our financial information because. “She just needed to talk to someone about it”. I informed her that she broke both my husband and my trust by doing so. She blatantly lied to me when I asked the first time. We asked her not to tell anyone and she told my sister who she knew we were going through problems. We had also discovered that my mom also told her best friend and Amber all of my and my husbands’ private medical information. Which shortly after. Amber created another account and began to slander us online with this information. Going across all our media sites we use and doing the same thing.
This was shocking as my Mom never, ever divulged financial or medical information to me about my siblings when I’ve asked in the past. Always saying it was not her business and If I was curious, I had to ask them. So why was I and my husband not given the same respect.
We were then dealing with this for over 2 weeks. Reporting and blocking accounts.
It was so incredibly horrible. Again, I sent screenshots to my Mom to show her how the information she gave was now being used against us. Publicly. Proving it was Amber and Tim and yet she stood by them.
Over time through the slander, my mom and brother we learned that my Mom, Amber, Tim and Brother had been constantly talking about my husband and I way before the wedding. Amber and my Mom especially and not in a positive way.
We also found out through my sisters slander the true feelings towards my Husband. They HATE him. Which broke both our hearts. He’s too Gay. He’s a “drug abuser”(Clean 9 years), lazy, dirty, etc. Awful things.
The family has made it known that they find me unstable, brainwashed and stupid. And that my Husband is a terrible manipulator who’s pulling the strings.
My mom then began to send pictures of Kassy to my phone as I had her blocked on all other media. I asked her to stop as it was a form of guilt tripping and avoidance in regard to her actions. She got very mad at me trying to guilt me. So, I blocked her phone number which was the last form of contact we had.
Now my whole immediate family is fully blocked, and I feel sick to my stomach. We only got married last July and I feel like my inner family literally died. It crushes me almost daily. I’m doing my best to get by, but my sleep and appetite are heavily affected. I have already been getting mental health help which has been good. That’s a big reason why I blocked them and am writing this update as it’s been recommended to just put it out into the world.
I honestly don’t know what to do. If its even possible to have them in my life again. Nasty words were exchanged on both sides. My husband was so attacked by them all that honestly he’s emotionally done. I don’t blame him. I cannot ask him to allow them back into his life. They were awful to him. Which means that making things right feels impossible.
We do have a good support group of family and friend we made though not connected by blood. Which we are both blessed and grateful. This does make it a bit better as we have people to fall back on. Thankfully.
I have no other updates. Hopefully they can leave us alone. Hopefully we can live in peace, and I can learn to get over loosing that part of my life.
All of the THT family advice and words have been so eye opening, and both my Husband and I thank you for putting what was wrong to light. You were all right. I’m just so sad that it was all true.
I’ll keep you posted if anything else happens. But hopefully it doesn’t.
Small edit as I keep seeing questions regarding our finances. I had to ask my Husband to give a small description as he is the one dealing directly with it.
Mom’s friend Messed up and when we inquired she made sure and said to enjoy our money. So we went and paid of all our bills and wedding ect.
In December we found out we owed and went into debt consolidation to help us pay off things as we were on route to bankruptcy.
We don’t really want to go too much into detail as this could get legal. But we do have a lot of documents to show Mom’s friend believed she knew what she was doing. We don’t believe she did it on purpose but made a mistake. She’s now retired so doesn’t work for a company.
We are still working on the financial side of things. So at the moment we must focus on stabilizing our situation before we can move forward if that is even an option or the payment plan for us will take approx. 5-6 years due to the large sum of money we spent (With the understanding it was our money to spend)
Everyone, even the financial help we received are shocked the CRA did not catch the mistake right away on their end. But when they did, we only got the email in Dec. However the interest was built up from when the mistake was made. In Canada the CRA can be quite brutal. Thankfully we seem to be doing ok.
But that’s all I have for now about that. I hope that clears some stuff up.
Additional Information from OOP regarding the taxes issue
OOP: We were late on our taxes as we got married in July and forgot to do them as we were hyper focused on the wedding. Canadian Taxes are done in March/April every year though we forgot.
We left for 7 days at the start of August. Once back my mom convinced us to do our taxes with her friend for free. She was worried we would get charged a higher expense by the company we normally went to because we were so late on our taxes. Her friend ensured us she would do everything quickly and efficiently. She did it all really fast. Because neither of us do the actual paperwork and have always paid to have it done. We thought nothing of how fast she managed to complete our taxes.
The amount of $ was an large amount. We were told everything was done right and not to worry. That the money was ours to spend. So we did. It was not the amount owing.
The most we would have had to spend was $200 to $300 due to late fees but right after a very expensive wedding and cruise. She convinced us that free help would be better. We agreed as my Husband and I were pretty broke.
I never said anything about credit cards. Just that because of this massive error our high credit score was destroyed. We were into 700+. IT took years to build it so high. We managed to not go bankrupt but in the process our credit suffered.
Because we spent the money (which ended up being not ours due to the error) we now have to pay it all back including the interest. The money we would have gotten from our taxes has been absorbed. But it wasn’t a large amount.
Nobody knows why the CRA didn’t catch this error as it was a large one. Normally they are good at catching things like this. Unfortunately it slipped by and I guess it was noticed closer to December. The email we received was sent in December though the taxes and money were received in August.
To explain in greater detail which we have been advised not to do. Like actually giving you the amounts and the full process. It would be easier to explain.
Hope this helps.
Relevant Comments
Commenter 1: I think it’s time to consult with an attorney. I would also consider getting new phone numbers and deleting all social media.
OOP: We still have to deal with the final details of our finances before anything in that regard. Changing phone numbers is something we are considering. Deleting all social media will not be possible as that’s my Husbands job. Deleting it would delete years of work. So for now we just have to battle it.
OOP should report this to the police and CRA
OOP: We did contact the police, legal aid, back to police. Not sure how other countries deal with this kind of thing. But In Canada they have to make threats of violence or to post bank numbers or information where people could easily find us. Which they haven’t. However we are still in contact with help and are looking into other ways to keep them from us. It is still harassment and slander. Neither of us has had to deal with this before. Its all so new. So we are learning as we go.
We are currently dealing with the CRA
Commenter 2: You can also file amended tax returns. Take the return that is causing you trouble to someone reputable (maybe your prior company) to review.
OOP: Sadly we can’t do that as we spent it thinking it was our money to spend. We did double check with my Mom’s friend. She confirmed she did everything right. Told us to enjoy the money. Sadly she messed up and now we cant fight it that way. But we are looking into other avenues.