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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/LucyAriaRose on 2025-01-31 05:09:43+00:00.

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is Frossils. She posted in r/internetparents, r/HemiplegicMigraines and r/migraine

Thanks to u/outofrhyme for the rec

Do NOT Comment on Original Posts. Do not DM OOP- that is against the rules of both this sub and some of the linked subs. Latest update is 7 days old. READ TRIGGER WARNINGS.

Trigger Warnings: migraines; vomiting; infection; dismissal of pain; somewhat graphic descriptions of medical issues; teeth issues

Mood Spoiler: happy ending

Original Post: January 19, 2025

Title: Why is my scalp prickly all of a sudden?? (Related to food? Migraines?)

Obviously, I know nobody here can give me a diagnosis! I’m not looking for one.

I’ve been diagnosed with migraines and HM. I’ve just had something weird start happening lately and I wondered if it’s a migraine thing?

When I eat hot sauce or sour candies, my scalp starts feeling prickly. Like when your arm or legs goes to sleep? Except my scalp.

I’ve also had bouts where the center part of both my upper and lower lips have gone numb. Also after eating hot sauce.

I’ve been having a crazy amount of migraines and hemiplegic migraines lately and I guess I have an infected tooth on top, now (chills, random red streak going away from a tooth, pain on that side eye and ear). I’m on antibiotics for the infection but the scalp prickling started before that.

I know that nobody can tell me what it is on Reddit, but… it would be nice to assess if it’s something I should mention to my doctor at all? I feel silly asking her about something as small as “prickly scalp” 🤦

Update Post: January 21, 2025 (2 days later)

Title: Turns out, I have a 13 year old infection in my face. It’s eating the bone.

So, I’ve been diagnosed with migraines. Chronic migraines and hemiplegic migraines. My dad is epileptic and I also have POTS.

I was diagnosed by a neurologist.

I just wanted to share this story here in case it helps anyone else.

I’ve had my HMs [Hemiplegic Migraines] for about 5 years, now. But realized I’ve suffered migraines since childhood. Just not frequently.

In 2020, I suffered a head injury and post-concussion syndrome. Since then, I started having 20+ migraines a month, scoring 200+ on the MIDAS.

I say these things because my situation is complex and it’s worth recognizing that.

In around 2012, I had a root canal done. The previous dentist had botched a filling and it got infected. Ever since I had that done, I’ve had pain in the right side of my face. (Coincidentally the same side as my HM)

I returned to my dentist and told him about the pain and his response was “That’s not possible. We removed the nerve. It’s not pain.”

So, after 13 YEARS, I sort of grew to live with it. (I was a teenager when I had the root canal and I didn’t think to ask for a 2nd opinion)

Every migraine, I get a pink hot spot on that side of my face. That ear aches, my teeth will all hurt, my jaw aches, and it was just something I accepted as normal.

I was aware I had problems with my root canal tooth, but I didn’t understand the full extent. I start getting chills that won’t go away, I feel pressure behind my eye, my cheek swells, my ear feels like it has fluid in it.

I think “migraine”… until I see the red streak going up from my tooth on my gums.

Well, I got a good dentist recently. We discovered that I have an infection in the bone above my root canal tooth. There’s a spot between the size of a pea and a penny that’s just a pocket of pus.

Today, I was shown the X-ray of my face and the pocket of pus and bone damage from this infection. And this was the X-ray from BEFORE it even started streaking!

I’m going to have special surgical dental work done to clean this infection out.

But in the meantime, I can’t help but feel that this infection has been a trigger for my migraines all these years.

Note: I have also been diagnosed C-PTSD and have structural dissociation, so my sense of pain is a little screwed up.

But in 2024, after suffering a fever for 4 months and pain that was an 8 or 9, they found a tumor on my appendix. All the tests showed nothing. I was missing sleep for days on end and I actually believed I was making it up.

I WASN’T. I had a lipoma in my appendix that was mimicking appendicitis, but didn’t show up on the standard appendicitis tests because of its composition.

Now, having turned 30, I’ve decided I’m no longer letting any doctor (or dentist) tell me how I feel.

Between my tumor and now this infection, I’ve really learned the value of being your own advocate. If something isn’t right, something isn’t right. Don’t let someone fool you into thinking you imagined things.

I wanted to urge everyone here to go to your dentists as well! And maybe go to more than one.

Ask questions. Make sure you understand what’s being said. If you’re in pain, DON’T let anyone tell you you’re not. (I’ve let people brush off my pain because I have decreased pain sensitivity)

I can’t say for sure since I haven’t had the surgery yet, but I would be surprised if this infection wasn’t a fat HM trigger.

Maybe it’s not, but… I just can’t help but think the bone-eating infection has to be making things worse.

I really hope this post helps encourage some folks to stand up for themselves. And to also re-evaluate other facets of your health. I don’t suspect most folks get migraines and think “ah, yes, I better go to the dentist”.

Update Post 2: January 23, 2025

Title: I’ve had a fever of 102-103 for 3 days. I’m on antibiotics for an infection that’s eating the bones of my face. Anything I can do to make myself feel less rubbish?

Infection from a 13 y/o failed root canal and it’s in my upper jaw/cheek/skull bones. Dentist showed me the bone damage/pocket of pus.

Problem is, I have stomach problems right now from a surgery I had last year. Swallowing is extremely painful! Taking the antibiotic pills HURTS (I actually vomited a strip of my stomach lining, diagnosed by my doctor).

So, I’m struggling with the normal “take Tylenol” and “drink lots of water”. If I drink lots, I throw up. I can’t handle most pills. Eating is off the table (I’m on prescription meal replacements).

I just turned 30 and this was NOT the start to 2025 I was hoping for 💀

My questions are:

  • what can I do to feel better physically? (I’ve already treated myself on Amazon but ordering a lighter weight blanket and a stuffie. Idk that I’m an adult, it was blooming CUTE!)
  • should the antibiotic be getting RID of the fever??
  • at what point should I be worried? (I’m waiting for my doctor to approval my special dental surgery and she’s not in the office for a few weeks)

Any other tips/advice/comfort? When I ask my mom irl, she’s said “Can’t you hear yourself? You’re so WHINY!” so I came here for some virtual hugs. I feel like I’m allowed to be whiny when my face bones are being eaten and I had a tumor last year lol

Top Comment:

Diograce: Honey, you need to go to the ER. I’m sure your dentist is doing a good job, but the doctor who did the surgery, and doctors who have more experience in whole body treatments are going to be better for you. Fever is nothing to be so casual with, it has the potential to cause big problems. Hugs

Edit: (25 minutes later) I’m taking some of your advice and gonna ask my parents to take me to emerge or the walk-in clinic! Thanks, everyone! I’ll try and make an update when I have a chance.

Update Post 3: January 23, 2025 (6 hours later)

Title: Update: You guys were right!

Just a quick update from my earlier post.

I’ve seen the doc and I’m getting IV antibiotics. The previous antibiotic wasn’t working and wasn’t strong enough.

I’m just gonna have some blood work done as well. Then, I’ll have to come back every day for treatment for a while. (I live close to the hospital so it’s okay)

Because I’m autistic and I have decreased pain sensitivity, it’s hard for me to tell how bad things are sometimes until afterwards.

I would have kept trying to wait it out.

Internet parents, I think you saved my life! Thank you for telling me to go back to emerge.

Final Update Post: January 24, 2025 (Next day, 6 days from OG post)

Not sure if I’m being annoying, but I thought everyone who read my previous post would be relieved to know. My fever is gone!

Started the day at 103. My mom got me some baby Tylenol and it got down to 102 and then 101! Over the course of the day, I stopped sleeping all day and actually felt up for some gaming! (Wh…

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  • @[email protected]M
    21 month ago

    Final Update Post: January 24, 2025 (Next day, 6 days from OG post)

    Not sure if I’m being annoying, but I thought everyone who read my previous post would be relieved to know. My fever is gone!

    Started the day at 103. My mom got me some baby Tylenol and it got down to 102 and then 101! Over the course of the day, I stopped sleeping all day and actually felt up for some gaming! (Which I have NOT felt up for!!)

    Got my second IV today and we now have a plan. Turns out, my infection was so severe, the IV isn’t enough! I need IV and meds.

    They got me liquid kind… Just a pro tip? NEVER get the liquid kind unless you REALLY can’t swallow like me right now. It legitimately tastes like the smell of dog poop. I plugged my nose, downed it like a shot, and popped a chocolate in my mouth immediately after. And I was still gagging like crazy!

    But I kept it down! And during my second IV, the fever finally went away and I feel like a normal human again!

    I have to go back for at least a week just because of how severe it is.

    I know I said thank you in my quick update yesterday, but seriously. I had no idea how much danger I was in! I know infections are bad. I’ve dealt with a few, before. But if it weren’t for this subreddit, I would have kept waiting for those pills to work.

    My pain had only gotten to a 7 (for a VERY short period) so I really didn’t recognize how much trouble I was in.

    If it weren’t for this sub, I’m not sure I’d still be here…

    It’s wild, too. I legitimately came on here just seeking some comfort. I thought I’d get some good self-care tips. That’s all I was looking for! I don’t generally look for medical advice online (barring the exception of curiosity and boredom).

    And if it was only one of you folks or like… A handful of folks that had said something? I might not have gone in. I probably would have figured “Oh, gee, some people are really worried…” and left it.

    But because you ALL told me to go back to emerge (I am still getting concerned comments!!), I took it seriously. So, thank you to each one of you who took the time to comment.

    Again, I know I dropped a hasty thanks yesterday, but… I wanted to say something now that I’m more lucid.

    I’m not able to reply to everyone individually, so I figured an update was appropriate.

    Hopefully, this will be the last one as I continue to recover!

    THANK YOU, Internet Parents!

    Again- Do NOT comment on Original Posts. Do not DM OOP. You put this sub and others at risk and you will be banned.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      Based on their comment saying it was impossible, I’m guessing they didn’t even investigate, just assumed that the pain must have been something else if the root/nerves were gone

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        If they assumed it was something else, you’d think they’d have tried to figure out what. Sounds like this dentist decided it wasn’t possible so OP must just be lying and wrote her off.