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The original was posted on /r/cfb by /u/Trynaliveforjesus on 2025-01-31 16:23:17+00:00.

Watching a team like App st beat Michigan, or NIU beat Notre Dame is not nearly as meaningful if both teams have similar levels of resources and historical success.

The magical TCU national championship run wouldn’t be nearly as special if everyone knew a rich donor like phil knight was funding the whole thing or if the team was loaded with 4 and 5 stars.

On flip side, its equally as entertaining for many to watch a team like FSU(with multiple national championships and decades of consistent success) suck like they did this year.

College Football is special because its not the NFL.

In the NFL, any team can win any given sunday. There are rarely, if ever, true david vs goliath matchups.

College football is a lot more predictable. Blue bloods and teams with the most resources tend to win the most games.

Which is why its so unique when a team like Az State(who was predicted to finish in the bottom of the big12), messed around and won the conference.

College football is special because those moments are rare. There are true David vs Goliath matchups every season. And every once in a blue moon, David slays that giant.

Combine magical upsets and overachieving seasons with petty rivalries and traditions and you get yourself the greatest sport on earth.