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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Sad_System_3314 on 2025-01-31 20:13:25+00:00.

I’ve just gone through one of the worst customer service experiences of my life, and I want to warn everyone: If your Microsoft account gets hacked, you may never get it back.

Microsoft’s Policy Actively Helps Hackers

My Microsoft account was hacked and stolen, and despite confirming the unauthorized access, Microsoft refuses to return it to me. Instead, they permanently suspended it, meaning I lost all my games, purchases, and progress—including Minecraft, which I now have to buy again if I want to play it.

This means that if a hacker takes over your account and changes the security info, Microsoft locks YOU out forever. They won’t restore your access, refund your purchases, or even let you transfer licenses. Everything you paid for is gone.

False Promises, Delays, and Total Incompetence

Microsoft’s support wasn’t just useless—it was an absolute joke:

  • January 17th – I first contacted Microsoft. I was told my case would be resolved within 3-5 days maximum.
  • January 24th (7 days later) – No response. I reached out again and was told it would be fixed within 24 hours.
  • January 26th (2 days later) – Still nothing. I contacted support again. This time, they told me, “Oh, it looks like your case has already been solved.”
  • Solved?! I never received a response, update, or my account back!
  • A support agent then opened a new case (since the first one mysteriously “disappeared”), meaning I had to wait another 3-5 days without access to my account.
  • January 31st (today) – I finally get a response. Microsoft acknowledges my account was hacked but refuses to restore it. Instead, they permanently suspend it and tell me I have to repurchase my games if I want to play again.

So not only does Microsoft refuse to help victims of hacked accounts, but their support system is a complete disaster—full of delays, false promises, and outright lies.

A $3.11 Trillion Company Can’t Recover Accounts?

Microsoft is one of the biggest tech companies in the world. Other platforms have actual account recovery processes—why doesn’t Microsoft? Why do they make it easier for hackers to keep stolen accounts than for legitimate owners to recover them?

This is completely unacceptable. If this has happened to you, please share your experience. People need to know how bad Microsoft’s security policies really are.