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The original was posted on /r/surface by /u/Whole-Somewhere-9855 on 2025-02-02 19:45:58+00:00.

After full charge, Its been 8 hr 40 mins screen on time and 43 hrs sleep idle time for the past 3 days! .and still 21 percent remaining!!!

I was mostly watching movies in edge and using some browser related works… And few MS word.

Backlight was on at night and 120hz adaptive,speakers were 50 % while watching movies with brightness 40 %

I feel this is it!..sleep drain also is minimal…2 to 5 percent in full night.

I think if we use mostly arm native apps and make other apps in efficiency mode…this is the best laptop i ever used.

I recently got a macbook m2, couldn’t adjust to the new OS, sold it to my friend…and got SL7…this is the best decision! And i use my s23 with phone link feature for calls, clipboard sync and notification.

Hope windows focus even more on this!