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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/Greedy-Designer-631 on 2025-02-03 02:47:22+00:00.

I just watched Scavengers Reign and I can’t get over how good it was.

Then I learned it was cancelled by HBO. I am on HBO almost daily and never saw it promoted and I am super into stuff like this.

Seriously shit like this makes me feel like there is no hope for humanity lol.

It’s insane to me this was considered a failure and the lack of promotion.

Also the fact that HBO killed it shows they have lost what made them special.

This depresses me on a level I can’t describe.

Oh well I just wanted to share how am I am feeling - is anyone else taking the shows cancellation really hard lol?

It just seems like such a bad decision it has me questioning if I even understand modern media anymore.

What do people want to watch?

Ice road truckers from hell ? It seems that way …