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The original was posted on /r/codzombies by /u/Beneficial-Wish-8600 on 2025-02-04 05:14:47+00:00.

I’m not sure if anyone else has discovered this but I’m running through the tomb easter egg and I may have found a glitch to use score streaks for the gold armor step. I teleported through the blue portal and it respawned the mimics in another area, since I was outside the ritual area it let me use my mutual injection and the statue is bleeding now. Figured I’d let the community know :)

Edit: To answer a few questions

  1. Was in co-op with one other player
  2. The red mist only stays at spawn
  3. Your teammate must teleport to and from the aether to use mutant injection
  4. The ritual enemies (shock mimic + doppleghast) are JUICED still so they will be very tanky and about two shots full armor