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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/SockCucker3000 on 2025-02-05 00:23:52+00:00.
I’ve been smoking weed daily for around two years now. I only discovered I have CFS a few months ago (had it the majority of my life). I can get so much done when I smoke. It obviously helps with my chronic pain, but I’ve noticed that it also helps with my fatigue. I had a sudden crash and could barely get a single word out. After a bit of resting, I ended up smoking a bit. It felt like life has been shocked back into me. I could easily talk and I was walking normally.
It’s usually not such a severe difference, but I still get seemingly boosts in energy after smoking. I’ve realized that it’s not very healthy for me to be using this random energy when my body already decided I need to rest, so I haven’t been doing so as often recently. I fear it puts me into energy debt and increases my risk of PEM.