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The original was posted on /r/squaredcircle by /u/GiftedGeordie on 2025-02-05 21:42:54+00:00.

I still can’t figure out why they broke up one of the most beloved factions in NXT history and fed them to Ridge Holland (who I’ve got nothing against) in order to give Ridge heat for his match against Trick Williams.

Look, I’m not happy to see the demise of Chase U, but if they were going to be broken up and used to get Ridge heat…why didn’t they just have Ridge actually win the NXT Championship from Trick instead of just killing one of the most over acts for no reason.

It doesn’t help that the members of Chase U have done fuck all with their time, I know that Duke was released and Thea is injured (but she’s not wrestled in ages, has she really been injured for that length of time?), but you could have had Andre or Riley Osborne doing something??

Hell, the Chase U gimmick works perfectly for debuting wrestlers, have Shaquon Shugars (the former Lucky Ali) as a rebellious, trouble making student that is still repping Chase U in a similar way to how Duke and Jacy started out or have Dante Chen as a foreign exchange student from Singapore to give him something to do!?