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The original was posted on /r/therian by /u/Realistic_Respect111 on 2025-02-05 12:32:21+00:00.

Honestly, this is part advice and part just getting out frustration. Younger therians, STOP COMING OUT TO YOUR PARENTS! I’ve seen so so so many posts about people coming out as a therian to their parents and it very very VERY rarely goes well. Please treat your therianthropy like being LGBT. Obviously it’s not the same community, but most parents don’t understand or just have hatred for therians, just like they do for LGBT people. “What if my parents support the LGBT?” That’s awesome but again, therians are a different community. Now, every circumstance is different, I don’t understand your personal life; but what I do understand is parent rejection. It can be disheartening at best, and unsafe or even abusive at worse. I know how much it hurts, how desperately you want to buy gear and do quads, but please please prioritize your safety! Make therian friends, find therian spaces online (like this subreddit), do quads in a park or other outdoor area away from family; but if you have any experiences with your family that might make you feel threatened by them, do not come out. I love you, you are beautiful, and you are safe to be you here. Be safe, just for now. I know you’ll make it, some day you’ll be able to be out and proud and wear your gear out in public.

Sorry if this was kinda rambled, I just woke up lol