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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/krizzqy on 2025-02-06 12:18:38+00:00.

Before this post gets taken down for being too “political” or because “politics don’t have a place in this chat,” let’s be clear: politics have always been deeply tied to this topic. This community, like any other, should be held accountable.

We are setting ourselves up for embarrassment with the increasingly ignorant takes on the current geopolitical climate.

A large portion of the UFO community has hit new lows, embracing dangerous optimism and even celebrating geopolitical events under the guise of UFO disclosure.

If we think any of this is anything other than a distraction from deeper issues—like the ongoing economic struggles—we are fooling ourselves.

Jesse Michels recently hosted a guest with deeply troubling views (and no, I’m not talking about Logan Paul). Over the past year, many of us have gone from appreciating his content to growing concerns about the narratives he’s promoting—often without any real pushback or skepticism, even when speaking with figures like Mick West. He’s on the verge of becoming this generation’s Linda Moulton Howe. And let’s not forget—she was once considered highly credible before spiraling into sensationalism.

We are entering completely uncharted territory, and UFO disclosure is nowhere near a priority for the current administration. The only time it will be is when it serves as a distraction from a larger, unseen agenda. Right now, DEI initiatives are filling that role.

We need to hold UFO personalities accountable. This situation is getting out of hand, feeding into a broader scheme that has little to do with actual disclosure. Along the way, we’ve given legitimacy to people with deeply illegitimate worldviews, validating harmful rhetoric in the hope that it will bring us closer to the truth. But a bad deed does not justify a good outcome.

And let’s be real—Elon Musk will not suddenly change his stance unless it serves his interests.

Jesse, if you see this: Please, take a step back. Stop trying to be everyone’s friend. Many of us already respect you, listen to you, and look up to you. You’re intelligent—use your objectivity. People won’t judge you for it; they will respect you more for it.

Finally, it’s clear that the most reasonable voices in this community are the ones facing the most backlash. Ask yourself: why does John Greenwald Jr. get so much flack? Do we actually listen to him? Because if we did, we’d know that he 100% believes in nuts-and-bolts craft. He has proven time and time again that a corrupt cover-up is happening. Yet, this community continues to bash him. Doesn’t that seem suspicious? Is there any part of us that wonders if we’re being manipulated?

Rant over. These are unsettling times, and I genuinely hope I’m wrong. But so far, there’s nothing to suggest that I am—just the same rhetoric we’ve heard all our lives.