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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Northstar04 on 2025-02-08 02:49:11+00:00.

This video deserves more views. It is not my video.

Our lives are hopelessly interminged with technology and hatred and division is “just good business” for social media.

That’s why technology CEOs think they are entitled to rule us. We are their serfs, working to earn them money.

But there is a difference between modern day technofeudalism and actual feudalism. Serfs actually need food and shelter. We don’t actually “need” technology. We really don’t need social media. There is an out of this hellscape, and I don’t mean homesteading (although that is an option too).

With collective action, unions, strikes, lawsuits, engagement in the democratic process, and other means of the many vs. the few, it is possible to build a better world.