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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/BicycleSalt2961 on 2023-08-22 13:02:39.

AITA for meeting up with my ex boyfriends current girlfriend?

Edit - my ex knew about me and his girlfriend meeting. He didn’t come because he and I do not get along at all, and it would’ve made things awkward. The meet was so my daughter was comfortable, it wasn’t about my ex.

Edit number two - for the people that think it’s weird they’ve been together for two years and I’ve never met her — we’ve only just met because she lives 2 hours away and my ex used to go to her house to visit her. She’s only just started coming to our area to visit him which is why she reached out to me. I wasn’t aware of their relationship until last year.

Edit number three - I did tell my boyfriend about meeting up with Katie. He’s known about it since day one.

For context I have a 7 year old with my ex, and two more children with my current partner. My ex has been with his current girlfriend for 2 years now, we broke up when our daughter was 1. His girlfriend and I connected on Facebook around a month or two ago, she’s a very nice person. I’ve never really talked to any of his partners before as they weren’t serious. His current girlfriend (Katie) asked if it would be okay if she and my ex (Daniel) took our daughter out for the day. I said yes, no problem. She hadn’t met my daughter at this point. We arranged to meet up in a local coffee shop and I took my daughter along with me, just to ease any anxieties she may have around Katie as she’s a new person in my daughters life. The meet went great. We talked a lot, there was no awkwardness at all, my daughter even gave her a hug before we left which is rare as she’s not really a touchy lovey person with anyone except for me and her grandma. I text my partner (Jordan) to let him know I was about to leave and I’d be home shortly. He asked where I was and I told him we were at a coffee shop. He asked who I was with, I told him Katie and my daughter. He text me back “and Daniel?” I said no, just Katie and Georgia (daughter). He responded “k.” and then put his phone on do not disturb so I couldn’t get in touch with him. I got home and he wouldn’t really speak to me. Before I went to bed I asked him again; what’s wrong? He said it’s weird I went to meet my exes girlfriend, I’m trying to be best friends with her and I wouldn’t like it if he went to meet people from his exes family. But he doesn’t have children with his ex, so there would be no need for him to meet up with them. He’s the only one that has a problem with me meeting her, he thinks I’m doing it to get close to my ex (I absolutely am not). He still isn’t really speaking to me and honestly I don’t know what the issue is. Is it weird I went to meet up with her before allowing my daughter to go on a day trip with her? AITA for trying to get along with her? I’ve never been in this position before, my boyfriend seems super uncomfortable with me communicating with her