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The original was posted on /r/rust by /u/Smil3More on 2025-02-11 11:48:43+00:00.
Hey everyone,
I am planning a Master’s thesis in which I need to modernize and parallelize an existing scientific C program for electromagnetic wave propagation calculation/simulation. The goal is to migrate the program to Rust to improve long-term maintainability, safety, and performance.
It’s a Linux command-line program that takes a TXT input file with room and material specifications, calculates the electromagnetic spread (heatmap), and outputs a TXT file, which is later converted into a graphical solution in another program.
My focus is solely on the calculation part.
Brief Overview of the Program:
- Simulates electromagnetic wave propagation using ray tracing. (only mathematical, no graphical conversion)
- BSP tree (Binary Space Partitioning) as the core data structure for geometry management.
- C-based, currently single-threaded, running on a single CPU core. (takes a loooong time to calculate)
- Future goals: CPU parallelization & potential GPU extension (OpenCL, Vulkan Compute).
My Questions & Challenges:
- BSP Tree in Rust – Feasible or alternative approaches?
- Is Rust well-suited for BSP trees, or are there better parallel alternatives?
- Are there existing Rust crates that could be useful for ray tracing & BSP trees?
- Rust beginner with decent programming experience – Is migration realistic?
- I have solid programming experience in C++, Python, Dart but very little Rust knowledge.
- Is Rust a good choice for complex scientific simulations, or is the learning curve too steep?
- Full migration vs. partial migration & C/Rust interoperability
- Would it make more sense to migrate only the core algorithm to Rust and keep the rest in C?
- Has anyone worked with C/Rust interop via FFI or
for a mixed-language approach? - How practical is a step-by-step migration, running Rust and C in parallel?
I would appreciate any best practices, experiences, and resources on using Rust for scientific applications! 🚀