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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/sputler on 2025-02-13 03:10:22+00:00.
Lately I’ve noticed an influx of sus posts with highly concentrated support that keep using certain buzzwords. Many of these posts and comments are deleted within 48 hours just when they are about to be added to the “hot” page. One phrase keeps popping up in one form or another:
“It is normal for investors to question the board of directors and seek forward guidance.”
“It’s normal to want more out of the board.”
“Its normal for investors to request more information about their company.”
I’m genuinely confused? What about investing in GME is normal? Was watching grown adults stick bananas up their ass normal? Was Jan '21 normal? Was Mar10 '21 normal? The company was going bankrupt and that caused investors to invest more… was that normal?
Where did this weird shift in narrative occur that all of a sudden investors are clamoring for a normal investment strategy?
You know what’s normal? Successful companies going bankrupt. Boards of Directors sabotaging their own companies to profit their SHF overlords. Retail investors losing out to algo’s that front run trades. Retail investors losing out because brokers call CFD’s equivalent to actual shares. Retail investors losing out because their brokers counter trade their moves in real time.
Normal is the little guy losing.
So where did all this sentiment come from all of a sudden that we need to act like normal investors?
I’d rather be weird. I invested in a stock because I like it. I stay invested in that stock because everyone keeps telling me to sell. And after I’ve paid attention to the financial world for the past 84 years; I’d rather watch every dime of that investment melted into slag than sell for some “normal” investment strategy.
You want normal, go watch Jim Cramer for your next investment.