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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/fulminic on 2025-02-21 11:24:00+00:00.
A few weeks ago there was a brief interest peak in the claims Richard Banduric made in episode 69 of Nasa and DOD backed Ecosystemic Futures. A full transcript can be read here.
In summary, Banduric casually talked about working for classified programs that reverse engineered stuff that “wasn’t ours”. He talks about Black Triangles that cloak themselves and extraterrestrial smart materials that “disentigrate” and “reconfigure themselves”, among other wild claims.
Ususally i take whistleblowers testimony for granted because there are usually red flags all over the place or there is some grift attached. This guy is not a whistleblower. He is not part of the UFO community. He made his claims in a scientific setting without even being asked for it. He worked for DARPA. He holds a range of patents for propellant-less space craft propulsion systems. He uses images of the CARET craft in his extremely scientific presentations (1.5k views in 4 years). (Stunningly also, no one in the lengthy Q&A follow-up asked about the image.)
I guess what i want to say is that i find it incomprehensible and frustrating that no one seems to be paying attention, at least to my knowledge. We keep getting the usual dose of interviews with people like Sheehan, Strieber, etc.
I do not have the platform or means myself so i am really counting on the usual suspects here. There is a potential uncharted goldmine there. So, Jesse Michels, Coulthart, Dolan, UAPGerb…anyone… get this guy on. Banduric said himself there is stuff he is allowed to talk about - but no one is asking questions.