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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Southern-Row-6325 on 2025-02-23 22:42:49+00:00.
Im not sure if this is allowed, but i wanted to say that Carelon , a division of Anthem Insurance, is currently making their employees work mandatory over time monday through friday.
it started in january and doesn’t end until march. During this time employees are being forced to work ten to 12 hours per day.
last week they messaged their employees stating that they lawyers( plural) found that ohio doesnt require them to grant s 15 minute Break during the final 4 hours of their mandatory 12 hour shift.
their employees are being forced to mill themselves for anthem share holders. during this , anthem paid a team of lawyers to learn they can cheat individuals out of 15 minutes of pay.
In addition ton this a couple of free women who are on maternity leave were told it’s being cancelled early and to report to work.
when an employee stated she had it papered with HR prior to leaving, the boss replied ,I expect you in your chair the day your leave ends.