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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/SandpaperMoose on 2025-02-24 02:13:10+00:00.
Asking for my friend. She was fired from the nonprofit we both worked for. It was an unjust firing, she worked her butt off for her clients but apparently annoyed someone higher up on the foodchain. Anyways, she had about 120 hrs accrued PTO. When she asked about it, the HR manager told her that she would not receive a cent of it. We are in Ohio, United States. This nonprofit is known for its shady practices, so keeping her PTO illegally would not be a shock to anyone. Should I have her call the Labor Board? Thanks in advance!
EDIT: She wrote an email to the Labor board just to ask questions and they said she should file a complaint. She was afraid to because they might try to claw back her unemployment. Which she received a letter this weekend that they did. I encouraged her to kick their butts! Thanks again to everyone who answered.