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The original was posted on /r/interiordesign by /u/Calm-Version-1905 on 2023-08-22 18:07:36.

Hi All !

I am looking to transition into Interior Design / Interior Architecture and I have some “just getting started” questions:

  1. Education
    1. Where to pursue my degree? Do school selections for graduate programs matter as much as I felt they did for undergrad?
    2. Are there any courses / certifications I can do without currently having a job in the field / no direct educational background? Any accessible software I can start to play around with ?
    3. Online vs In-person? Without relocating, i have schools like Drexel, Moore, Jefferson/Philly U within driving distance
  2. Job Roles
    1. I’d love to speak to some people that hold jobs in residential, commercial, and community related architecture.
    2. I can read a job description but I want to hear more of the day-to-day life of someone in one of these roles / what they love or hate about their role
    3. I’m most familiar with residential design with minor knowledge of architecture
  3. Any other pieces of advice are welcomed and appreciated!

My background:

  • Bachelor of Science, Finance

  • 8+ years in client facing / customer service roles, mainly in the Financial Advising and Financial Technology space