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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Small-Turtles on 2023-08-23 10:31:49.

My (F28) doctors recently saw some abnormalities on a scan that they are worried could be cancerous tumours. Obviously this was not a pleasant surprise, but they have been really great so far about getting all of my tests lined up so we can have some kind of game plan in place.

Yesterday, I had a biopsy scheduled. I received a text from the clinic in advance confirming my appointment time and all the various details around fasting and whatnot. My husband (M30) and I made sure we arrived half an hour in advance in case there was paperwork or anything of the like, and I was all checked in with reception.

The doctor came out at what I thought was my scheduled appointment time, took me in to the examination room, and the biopsy went ahead with no issues. It was only when I was leaving that the doctor said that she would prefer if I phoned ahead next time if I was going to be two hours late so they can make sure no one is inconvenienced. I was very confused, and showed her the text message confirming my appointment time. She could clearly see that I had been on time, so she said that she would take it up with the lady who took the booking in the first place.

When I headed up to reception to schedule the next appointment, the same receptionist was working as when I made the initial appointment, and I asked that she please clarify that the time I had booked was the time she had put in the system. She asked me what I meant, and I said that the confirmation text I had received told me a different time and the doctor said that I had been two hours late by their system. The receptionist said that this never happened, and I was in the middle of showing her the text when the doctor walked out again and the receptionist called her over.

The receptionist told the doctor I was accusing her of scheduling appointments incorrectly, but I clarified that I had only said that I came on time as per the text, but that I had been told that I was two hours late according to the doctor’s system. The doctor confirmed my story, so I again asked that the receptionist please just check that the time I had and the time she had in her schedule was the same.

The receptionist started tearing up but confirmed that we both had the same time, so I thanked her and left. It was in the car on the way home that my husband told me he overheard the receptionist telling another patient that she had only been working at the clinic for two months, and he said I was a bit harsh on her given that she was new. I told him I disagreed and I wasn’t rude or anything like that when chatting to her, but he said that I had let the stress of the situation get the better of me and that I should have just let it go, and not put so much pressure on the staff when they are still learning.

I have now come to the internet for an independent opinion - was I the AH?