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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/TwistSignificant1804 on 2023-08-23 12:30:10.

My (38M) GF (38F) has been giving me the silent treatment and demanding that I apologize to her, for “abandoneding” her at a tradeshow that the company she works for has a stall (it is a major annual show in the city).

I have been helping out with the event for the two weeks the event ran over as a chef for the kitchen products they sell (whilst on leave from my full time job),her acquaintance who she had previously worked with and had an on off fling with was in the food court area and had called her to meet and catch up,I am not the jealous type having no issues with her outgoing personality and easy way of taking with people, being in sales is an absolute must, she had taken a call from him and left me to go meet him with out letting me know where she was going whilst I was working (for free) at her company stand.

I had meet him a couple of times in the two years that we have been together, not liking him from the beginning, kept this to myself,he had on a number of occasions told my GF that he disliked me and was cold on the few times that we met and had in the beginning of our relationship told her that she must leave me as I was no good for her or they would no longer be able to be friends.

Having expressed my dislike for him and that I would rather not interact with him and have her maybe follow his surgestion of not being friends, but if she wants to see him just let me know and keep me out of it.

Back story done. Once the show was done I cleaned up and went to look for her, only to find the work call was him and rather close together (by my perspective),I watched for a bit before she noticed me and quickly stood up from the high table and moved away from him, little like a deer in headlights look,I just turned and left her there,she came running up to me as I was crossing a main road getting to the car,I am apparently the AH for leaving, not saying hello to him and having her cross the busy road by herself. I am stunned and in a WTF state as I have to now apologize to both her and him for being disrespectful to him and abandoning her. I am annoyed to say the least.