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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/TheIrishTownDrunk on 2023-08-23 15:44:16.

So to give some context, I (Male, 27) have to roommates. We can call them A (M, 25) and B (F, 24). I also live with my (F, 26) wife.

They went 6 months without paying me a dime, and I let it slide because I have a heart. I figured no reason to kick them AND their one year old out, since the one year did nothing to deserve homelessness. They promised to get me the money that was owed to me. They have paid almost everything back, but now treat me like crap and say that I don’t do anything for anyone else and all I care about is myself. Also, neither one of them like cleaning, but they both love playing chef. I say play because neither one of them can cook. My wife or I have done the dishes almost every single time. They will trash my kitchen and then complain that they won’t be bothered to buy fly traps since we all NOW have a fly problem. Roommate B complains that she can’t clean or do any house work because she is raising a one year old. WHICH I would agree, if that meant actually raising a child. Her version of raising a child is to put him in front of a tv with toys watching Mrs. Rachel for 10+ hours a day. And putting the child to sleep for naps and feeding. But besides that no actual Parenting is done at all. So me and my wife, who want to be proud of our home, have bought flytraps, and cleaned, but we are getting sick of it.

I have done more for them then anyone else ever has. Roommate A decided he didn’t like the SUV he had, so he sold it without having another car. Well, me and my wife work literally minutes away from each other, so we carpooled and let them use my other car. They reset my mileage, along with every one of my radio stations, my electric seat placement, and they even burnt out (didn’t know this was possible) one of my seat warmers. I have not asked for any money for the 3 months they used my car, or the gas money I was putting into it since they could not put gas in.

My breaking point was yesterday when I was supposed to have a plumber come in and look at my shower pipes because they leak really bad. Well roommate A apparently called them and told them not to come look and we would have to reschedule because roommate B was sick and didn’t feel good. Mind you she is apparently pregnant again. So now I am out my deposit for that plumber. I also found out yesterday that the roommates are trying to get off my lease, however I have to sign off on it first. They still owe me money. Now since I disagreed on them about something stupid, he is in his feelings and doesn’t want to give me the money. But all that aside, I am floored because their one year old, the reason they still have a roof over their head, has DESTROYED my carpets. My once white/eggshell carpets are now brown. And have what looks like root beer stains all over my carpets (best way to describe it). So they are trying to stick me with the huge cleaning bill.

Would I be the asshole for wanting to evict my roommates out along with their one year old?