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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/GetFuckeded on 2023-08-24 03:40:41.

I (27M) am happily in a same-sex relationship. While most of my coworkers are supportive, there’s this one guy (30sM) who’s been giving me a hard time. His homophobic comments and nasty looks have turned my workplace into a less-than-welcoming environment.

Yesterday, my boyfriend Alex came by the office to have lunch with me. It was supposed to be a pleasant break, but things took an uncomfortable turn. Throughout the meal, my colleague glared at us from across the room. I tried to brush it off, hoping Alex wouldn’t notice, but as he was leaving, my colleague made a hurtful homophobic remark that left me stunned. I could see the tension in Alex’s shoulders, and I felt terrible that he had to experience that.

I had reached my breaking point. I confronted my colleague, telling him that his behavior was hurtful and out of line. I may have gotten a bit heated, but I couldn’t let him make our relationship a target.

In the heat of the moment, I told him that he must be a sad and lonely piece of shit to act this way. I warned him that if I heard any more comments about us, I’d take the matter to HR and ensure he faced consequences.

By the end of the day, word had spread that my colleague was painting me as the aggressor, claiming I attacked him and made him feel unsafe. In reality, I was just trying to stand my ground and protect my relationship.

HR will be stepping in, and while some coworkers are on my side, the outcome remains uncertain. Alex believes I should have let the comments slide, but I disagree. I’m tired of tolerating bigotry and want him to know he shouldn’t accept it either.

However, now I’m grappling with the fear of potential job repercussions, and tension in the office is palpable.

So, I turn to you, Reddit. AITA for confronting my colleague and risking trouble at work? Did I do the right thing by standing up for myself and my relationship?