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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/cinnamonroll247 on 2025-03-08 20:46:50+00:00.
I am a man. Men have facial hair. I am clumsy. Clumsy people still have facial hair. This can only go well. Or so i thought. This happened an hour ago.
Every other month i shave my face with an electric clipper before i take a shower. Fair enough. Ive done it for a while i know what im doing. Some family is coming over such as mom, stepdad, cousins, all for a weekly dinner we have. And i got a little scruffy in the face.
Cut to the bathroom, im shaving in the shower (drain plugged so i can clean it easily) with a handheld shower wand as a mirror, shaving my mustache first then my beard. Then as im working on my right sideburn i accidentally knock something over and i go to catch it…
And the clipper is still running. Half my eyebrow was freaking gone. I didnt move my hand but my head went into the clipper and half my eyebrow vanished. Now you can tell how clumsy i am. So i panick and try to fix it… only to make it worse.
Five minutes go by and i fucked up so badly my whole eyebrow was gone. The only thing i could bring myself to do was finish the job… i finish shaving my face and… the other eyebrow. In an attempt to look balanced.
I look in the mirror after drying off… im freaking dying. Keep in mind i have a mullet haircut… and my facial hair and eyebrows are gone. I look like an uglier Dana White with hair. And keep in mind this is before my family gets here. I told them what happened but they havent seen it yet. My grandparents my cousin and my uncle have seen this mess and thats too many people.
TL;DR: I fucked up shaving so bad my eyebrows disappeared because of my clumsy ass. Right before a family dinner. I want to die.