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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/starsouled on 2023-08-24 04:44:53.

I’m a 27f and my partner is 30m and we are first time parents to a 3 week old baby. He stayed home with me for three weeks to help take care of her where we did “shifts” feeding her so that we could take turns getting some decent sleep. He just went back to work yesterday so it was my first day looking after baby solo (mind you, he works 12 hour days so he leaves at 5am and returns at 6:30pm).

Here’s how the day went. I didn’t get a minute of sleep the previous night as she was fussy and difficult to settle so I was already running on no sleep. Baby feeds every 3 hours so I got very broken sleep during the day and probably around only 20 minutes each time. I didn’t get a chance to eat all day because I was desperate to get some rest any free time I could get. It took me 3 hours to finish cooking a simple dinner that usually only takes me half an hour. Partner returned home at 6:30pm as normal. When he got home, he asked how I was and I told him I was tired, hadn’t eaten and that I’m so excited to eat the dinner that I had prepared. He informed me that he had to quickly go pick up his car from his cousins place which is 5 minutes away from us. His cousin came and picked him up, they left and he returned with his car at 7:10pm. A whole 40 minutes later when it should’ve only taken 10. I asked why he took so long to pick one thing up and he said he was eating dessert that they made and catching up with them for a bit as they were all asking how we’re going etc. At this point, I just felt like he didn’t take into consideration that I was exhausted and starving so I immediately broke down into tears and sent him out of the bedroom as I felt too tired to even talk. He came back around 15 minutes later confused and I basically cried and explained to him that I hadn’t eaten all day, I hadnt spoken to anyone and I was sleep deprived yet he was able to take his time to eat some lovely dessert and chit chat about life with his relatives. I told him I was just excited when he got home because I thought that I could finally be relieved and go and eat something. I couldn’t speak to him for the rest of the night. He was trying to cuddle me but I was just so exhausted that I told him to go and sleep on the couch.

EDIT: Now that he is back at work, we are no longer taking turns feeding baby overnight. I do every single feed for the whole day and night so that he can get a good sleep and go to work well rested

He did not bring me back any of the dessert that he had, but he did bring back some leftover chicken from his cousins’ dinner.