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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/HazelEyedHydra on 2023-08-24 11:59:13.

Please forgive me, as I am writing this at nearly 3 AM.

I (19F) have been housesitting for a few years now, mostly for family friends and coworkers. I typically charge $40/night and recently took up a housesitting gig for my dearest coworker while she (50+F) and her husband travelled abroad in the UK. She advertised the job as though I would be staying in a nice house in a small town with her two dogs, who could remain in the yard for a majority of the day so I could go out and about and was not trapped in the house.

I was not able to see the house or meet the dogs up until the day before my gig would start. Upon my arrival, I was informed that instead of staying in her home, I would be staying in her deceased fathers trailer house that had not been lived in for MONTHS and is quite literally something that could be featured on the show “Hoarders: Buried Alive”. It was tucked away on the edge of town, right outside the woods, there was junk and trash everywhere, it reeked like body odor and moth balls, everything had about half an inch of dust on it, there were cobwebs and spiders in every corner. However, my coworker assured me she was working on cleaning it up for me, stocking the fridge for me, and making it live-able.

When I arrived the next evening to begin my gig, I found the trailer house to be in the exact same condition I had seen it in the day before, aside from the mixed scent of body odor and Febreze. Being an asthmatic and having terrible allergies when it comes to dust, I decided to try to open some windows to air it out, however, they were all sealed shut. I looked for a fan or an AC unit, but could locate none of the above in the home. After feeding the dogs and giving them both some love, I decided to turn in for the night.

I was kept awake all night by the mice running around in the walls, in the closet, under my bed. I fell asleep for maybe 30 minutes before I woke up wheezing. I found mouse poop in my shoe the next morning.

I am only on Night 2. She left me a family members contact in case of emergency. I cannot tough it out. My gut is telling me I need to get out of here. I am tempted to call when the sun rises and let the family member know that this is not working out for me and that I am uncomfortable staying here. So, users of Reddit, if I end up doing that, AITA?