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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/cronie_guilt on 2025-03-19 21:31:14+00:00.

Nobody showed up to my zoom call until I called them on the phone.

Then this woman tells me ok 20 questions and if I like what I hear you can come in for a “working interview/shadow”.

I said “is that paid time?”

“Unfortunately not :(”

“OK gonna cut this short then. Thank you for eventually getting on the call and for this time and good luck with other candidates.”

I hate that this market is desperate enough that I know someone will be willing to do this. This was a medical office too! Not even a service industry job or labor.

I get that they might want a trial period/day and have done them for other jobs but UNPAID? Nah, I’m good. What a disappointing fucking job market.