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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Catnip1720 on 2025-03-19 22:26:07+00:00.
This work week has been shit. I’ve put up with a lot of fuckery from this company but I’m tired of it and so are my coworkers. They only hire the most fish eyed brainless people to work here and then imply their turnover rate is because we’re “not nice enough”. When these guys can’t do basic shit required for the job. Then they hire a new guy and I see that he has a swastika tattoo on the nape of his neck. Then mandatory 10 hour shifts, 6 days a week. And you don’t know if you’re working that Saturday until they post it by our clock out machine. I had to request off for 3 Saturdays and now they’re getting upset that I’m requesting off. When the fuck am I supposed to make plans then? Then with the cherry on top they told us that we’re not allowed to sit in our cars during our 2, 15 minute breaks because people keep throwing cigarette butts on the parking lot. Fuck this place. I wish we would unionize so we couldn’t just be pushed around like this. Anyway that’s my rant.